Friday didn’t feel good until Sunday.Friday was horrid. Friday was painful.Friday was fatigue, suffering and betrayal. There was physical and emotional pain. There was separation. The sun bowed low and the earth shook. There was fear, darkness and death.Saturday felt long until Sunday.Saturday wasn’t better. The Sabbath was quiet, a long pause that felt like a forever wait. There were moments of regret, heavy sadness and suffocating despair.The disciples questioned. They vanished. They retreated. A mother grieved. All hope seemed lost, the battle over and the enemy prevailed.But then Sunday arrived.Life was raised and then suddenly, light broke through the thickened and angry clouds. Death had been defeated in the wait ... through the wait.Everything began to make sense — all the pain, the silence, Jesus confusing words and endless stories. The crazy journey they had left their lives to pursue and give up everything for ... it now had purpose. The plan made sense. The haze had receded. And was all worth it.But Friday ... and Saturday ... didn’t feel good until Sunday.I don’t know which day you are in.I don’t know if it’s Friday and you are suffering immensely or if you are experiencing the weight of exhaustion, pain or rejection. I don’t know if the weight of “all the things” is bearing heavily on your soul and your body feels bruised and broken. Maybe anxiety has a firm grasp and you feel overwhelmed.Or maybe you are stuck in the silence of Saturday. You are in a season of waiting, deafening quiet and questions unanswered. Maybe you feel as though God is distant and confusing, you just don’t understand why he is allowing this valley you feel stuck in. Maybe you are questioning the path, if God is really good and if it will all work out.Or maybe it’s finally Sunday. You have reached the mountain top. The pinnacle. That place when God’s presence feels real, reliable and visible. Your faith has been proved. And strengthened. You are walking in victory. He has broken your chains and you are experiencing the fruit of perseverance and patience.As we look back on the journey, our worst and the longest days won’t feel good until after our Sunday.Our circumstances will change. God will allow difficulties. He will sometimes be more silent and confusing. It won’t always make sense to our earth-bound bodies, limited minds and deceitful hearts.But God is always up to something. And at the end of the day let’s choose to believe, “that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.It will always feel good after Sunday.