Let me assure you. That breakthrough you’re expecting, the struggle you’re facing, that lack of peace you’re experiencing — it won’t be resolved with an incomplete or misinformed view of God and the gospel.

The gospel of grace is provocative because it starts with repentance.

It’s starts with an acknowledgement of sin.

It starts with our dependence on God and the realization of our inadequacy to be good enough, perfect enough and righteous enough.

And although, on the surface, that may seem disappointing or dare I say even scandalous, it is the very mystery of lasting peace.

It is the very thing that makes the gospel “good” news.

You see, when we know the problem, we can receive the solution.

Maybe you’ve been told over and over how you are enough. If so, I bet that made you feel pretty good in the moment.

But did it stick?

If you’re like me, it temporarily bandaged my broken, anxious and defeated spirit, but it left my soul in despair and EXHAUSTION. It left me disappointed when time and time again I didn’t “feel” that enough.

You know what has never failed?

God’s enoughness. His worthiness. His sufficiency. His ability. When I stopped looking in and started looking up to find my worth.

When we weren’t enough, He stepped in and made a way.

And THIS grace should lead us to repentance. To turn. To run away from the bondage of sin, and not allow us to stay inside of the very place he died to take us out of.


Breakthrough doesn’t happen in our own strength, but our faithful surrender to His.