The moments we are most uncomfortable are the moments we learn the most about ourselves ... and our God.

It’s easy to believe when things are going well.It’s easy to let Jesus take the wheel on smooth, illuminated roads.It’s easy to praise Him when everyone is healthy and pressures are low.It’s easy to believe when you get the raise, when no one challenges your beliefs and you are applauded for your efforts.It’s easy to believe when the results come back negative or the pregnancy test has two lines.It’s easy to believe when life feels manageable, the marriage is all flowers and chocolates, the kids are behaving and your favorite team wins.But God didn’t promise manageable, easy or comfortable. He didn’t promise prosperity here on earth.In fact, He said don’t be surprised at the fiery trials that you will endure (1 Peter 4:12).You will have trouble (John 16:33).You will walk through deep waters (Isaiah 43:2).I can assure you that no one is plastering those promises on their bathroom mirror, writing them on a decorative chalkboard or posting them on a pretty meme.It’s worth noting that if God’s love was measured by wealth, success and health, He must’ve hated Abraham and Sarah (30 years of infertility), Noah (75 years of ridicule), Daniel (thrown into the lions den), John the Baptist (beheaded) and Paul (beaten, ship-wrecked, killed).The truth is, God passionately loved and chose each of them, as He does us. He is not asking us to walk through anything that He hasn’t already experienced on our behalf (Hebrew 4:15).No Saints, the promise is that God will work ALL things together for good, even the hard stuff (2 Corinthians 4:17).He promises peace in chaos (Phil. 4:7, Isaiah 26:3).He promises to carry our burdens (1 Peter 5:7).He promises to strengthen us (Psalm 29:11).He promises rest in Him, not circumstances (Matthew 11:28-29).He promises His very presence (Psalm 46:1) and hope for tomorrow (Laminations 3:21-22).The promise is for a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26), new life (1 Peter 5:10) and a new, unbroken world (Revelation 21:5).Friends, I don’t know what you are facing today. Maybe a lost job, broken relationship or unexpected miscarriage.Maybe you are walking the unknown of a dismal diagnosis, chronic pain, infertility or unjust suffering because of your faith.Maybe you have been abused or abandoned. Maybe you are overwhelmed with anxiety or relentless depression.Take heart. God sees you.Your test may become your testimony, your mess may turn into your message and your greatest trials into the ultimate triumph.“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” 2 Corinthians 4:17