What if I told her.What if I told her that her beauty lies much deeper than her skin and her worth of more value than her jean size.What if I told her that no one... NO ONE can steal her joy without her consent.What if I told her that the world can be cruel, girls can be mean and some boys may want just one thing from her.But what if I told her that she doesn’t have to listen, believe or give in to their selfishness.What if I told her that her worth is not found in the affirmation of her peers, the likes on her posts or the dates she’s asked out on.What if I told her that friends will come and go, hard days will pass and life will go on. Never give up and never let anyone else bring you down.What if I told her that her body is a gift, no matter the shape and no matter the size. She has paths to blaze and mountains to climb and her body will do amazing things.Don’t ever neglect it or reject it.Nurture it. Protect it. Be thankful for it. It came from life and has the potential to grow it. That is a miracle, a superpower. She is a Wonder Woman.What if I told her that she is a woman of wonder.What if I told her that those diminishing thoughts of defeat were dangerous lies.What if I told her the truth.What if I told her that what God thinks of her is what counts. That He loved her enough to die for her.What if I told her she was precious. Valuable. Chosen.What if I told her she was called by name.What if I told her she was destined for greatness, a mighty warrior for the kingdom, not because of who she is and not because of how she performs, but because she has a Father in heaven who loves her fiercely and won’t ever leave her side.What if I told her that even when she messes up, even when she falls flat on her face, even when she doesn’t believe a word I say...she is still loved more than she will ever know.What if I told myself that too.