The Counterfeit Coin: A Look at the Idol of Comfort Faith, Obedience, TrialsAmber NewmanOctober 5, 2021weary, real talk, temptation, surrender, sin, obedience, peace, strength, soul rest, difficulty, gospel, heart, hard times, Jesus, comfort, pain
Flipping Tables Amber NewmanMarch 23, 2021momsquad, example, real talk, temptation, prayer, sin, bible, parenting, God, anger, discipline, Gospel, Jesus, heart, love, mom, marriage
Biblical Anti-Racism Christian Community, Obedience, FaithAlisha IllianMarch 2, 2021enough, real talk, real love, race, transformation, prayer, identity, sin, bible, discipleship, guilt, grace, Gospel, hope, heart, Jesus, knowledge, love, salvation, community, church, conflict
New Year. New Clarity. Bible Study, Faith, Obedience, Spiritual DisciplinesLacey StevensonFebruary 9, 2021newyear, resolutions, purpose, growth, Gospel, goals, heart, Jesus, valentine’s day
All The Single Ladies Christian Community, dating, Marriage, SinglenessLacey StevensonNovember 3, 2020worth, wedding, womanhood, knowledge, growth, real talk, transformation, truth, surrender, purpose, identity, discipleship, peace, abide, daughter, sister, sin, dating, Gospel, God, heart, Jesus, love, contentment, community, comparison, church, loved, sanctification, maturity, singleness
The Secret to Spiritual Growth (Part II) Bible Study, Spiritual Disciplines, PrayerAlisha IllianJuly 21, 2020fasting, spiritual discipline, spiritual growth, rest, soul rest, sanctification, e, truth, transformation, prayer, busy, bible reading, identity, God, abide, faith, discipline, growth, health, heart, Jesus, knowledge, comfort, anxious, maturity
Truth That Transforms FaithAmber NewmanJune 30, 2020truth, transformation, sanctification, identity, gospel, Jesus, salvation, discipleship, grace, heart, knowledge, freedom, goodnews, bible, gift
GIRL, WASH YOUR HEART FaithAlisha IllianNovember 15, 2018bestlife, heart, motivation, self-care, self-love